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Hello, I am Adam palomino. I am a fresh hire at the Camp Crystal Lake summercamp, I have a very lone wolf skill set. I am well at repairing many things as well as being kind of athletic.

Even though I work well without others, I can still work with people. I have heard stories of this place, but I'm not afraid!

Hello, I am Eric Lechapa. I have been with the Camp Crystal lake summercamp for a year. What I lack in athletics, I make up for in brainpower.

Even though I am quite the scaredy cat, I can be quite useful in stick situations!

Hello, I am Kenny Riedell. I am the lead counselor at Camp Crystal lake, so I am very well rounded.

My skillset is average. However, my usefulness is a great asset to any team or division at work!

Hello, I am Vanessa Jones. I've been working at Camp Crystal Lake for about three years and am a avid jogger

My skillset is average. However, I have some of the best endurance of the counselors.
Sometimes my coworkers say they can hear me coming from a mile away, though.