The Death of Potential News Remastered! Light Reading A Nice Little Form

Friday the 13th News Community Addressment Page

Friday the 13th is a movie that brought us one of the most intimidating characters in cinema, Jason Voorhees. Many people view him in such a way because of his physical appearance, his Doom Slayer levels of strength, and the fact that he never dies. However, the most memorable symbol of his existence is the mask that he wears literally 24/7. Now, because of his presence in these movies, the demand for that type of hockey mask has grown over the years.


I have learned the basic steps on how to create a personalized hockey mask, and I am willing
to share these steps with you (you can look it up anywhere, but thanks for coming here!)

  1. Choose the mask that you would like to personalize.

  2. If you wish to cut the mask (like adding the axe chop from part 4 into the forehead) you would do this now with an exacto knife or dremel tools.

  3. Sand down the mask with sand paper so that the paint sticks better.

  4. Now, paint the mask with colors of your choice! Make sure that you paint it either while it's hanging or
    while it's laying on a disposable surface like cardboard, and make sure to get the back of the mask with a gray paint or black paint.

  5. You can then add finer details with a small brush or lightly spraying with paint.

  6. Then, you can add chevrons with either paint or tape

  7. Finally, add a black see-through fabric to the eyes so that no one can see you. Or you can add sunglass lenses for a refletive effect.


Almost everyone knows that the Friday the 13th franchise is in legal limbo indefinitely. So, to remedy this I encourage those who are interested in making their own mask think about, or even go as far as to create, their own Friday the 13th fan film or a film that is inspired by Friday the 13th.

And for those who do indeed create their own film, know that I'm not grading these and I might not even see them. The film doesn't need to be Never Hike Alone levels of good, but just have a fun time making it. That's the important part, just have a good time. And know that as you make the film, you make the community a little bit more alive as well.

Feel free to use the story up above in the Light Reading link to take inspiration or even copy it, but DO NOT tell people, or have in a way that it seems like, you made the story